January in Review

Feb 5, 2017

It has been roughly two weeks since I posted my Year 2016 in Review and I wanted to update you all on how things have been going and if I have been keeping up to my resolutions.
I made quite a few resolutions and even forgot about a few and it was quite hard to stick to them all. Honestly I did not. But I set this plan for my whole year and not the first two weeks and I will be working even harder to achieve my goals. I did accomplish some of course, or at least I started working on them.
I have been feeling a bit lost these past few months ever since I left school, I had nothing to do and I felt like a failure. But now I found something I want to do before I go abroad to study, something that will distract me buy also prepare me for my future studies. It is actually perfect for me and everything works out great. I also found a school I want to attend in the future. It is closer than the one I wanted to visit before and it is as amazing as that one.
So here are my resolutions:

  • Find a job
    Right after posting this I got a job in a bar, but it was not for me because of the late hours. I did find a new job in a nice cafe in the city centre so that is good too. It will keep me busy and I will have money for my future endeavours.
  • Save more
    I haven't been shopping at all, just food shopping so that is good. Might be because I am quite broke at the moment or I just think about my purchases more. I did buy two BB creams by Holika Holika though they were quite affordable and I justified the price. I am running out of my favourite foundation so that purchase will be in my future. And a new sunscreen too, I am currently looking into Asian brands.
  • Research schools and cities
    I did do that, but there is still more research to be done.
  • Get a drivers license
    I haven't delved into that one yet, I don't know why I am postponing it.
  • Skincare
    This is one I can proudly say that I am for now sticking to. I have been testing the new products and they are doing wonders.
  • Focus on my blog and Instagram
    Obviously I have been keeping up with this promise, though it is a lot more work than I thought.
  • Move more
    I said I want to just move more not workout but I have been doing both. I might even try out zumba. I haven't been meditating or doing yoga, but will take up at least one of those two in February. I might start with meditation to learn how to calm my nerves.
  • Read 60 books
    I am so embarrassed to say that I have not read any books lately.
I have also made a change to my diet. Previously, I had quite bad eating habits, I would eat once a day and usually it would be pasta with parmesan cheese which really isn't a nutritious diet. I also have a hunch that my recent health issues are connected to that, either it being a intolerance to lactose or my body is just deprived of everything. So I stopped eating dairy products and cut most of other animal products out. I am not vegan or plant based at all, but I might find a way to someday get there. I even baked vegan cupcakes this weekend and they were absolutely amazing. Are you guys interested in some plant based food hauls? And recipes? I actually took pictures of the process of baking the vegan cupcakes but forgot to take the final picture. I also made a vegan caramel sauce, it tasted amazing!

We also booked a trip, my boyfriend and I, to Morocco. We are going in May, the tickets were just so affordable. And it is somewhere we have always wanted to travel. I will do more posts about travel to, like how I find cheap flights and how I afford trips. Also what I pack and how I organise everything, since I am usually in charge of all of the travels we take. Even if we travel with friends I will basically overlook everything since I get panicky if I don't know if everybody is ready. Do you see why I need meditation? 

Hmm hmm what else?
I did not want to post favourites this month since I haven't tried that many items except for skincare but I am a firm believer in testing skincare thoroughly before making up my mind. I am also delving into asian skincare and makeup, just researching it at the moment and making up a wishlist.
Also, I want to reorganise my whole room, clean it out and but a few makeup organisers. 

Have a nice day/night, hope you enjoyed reading this update!


  1. Super, sem uzivala v branju! Fino mi je, ko ljudje iskreno pisejo o svojih (ne)uspehih in obcutkih ob tem.
    + pa the best je, za vsakega posameznika, da si to zapisuje, ker je tak fajn potem, ko preberes za nazaj in vidis, kako napredujes ((:

    Keep it up! ;)


    1. <3 tudi jaz rada preberem iskrene objave, ne samo o ličilih in modi. Se mi zdi da je v blogerskem svetu veliko zaigranega veselja in je včasih dobro videti drugo plat vsega.
      Hvala ti
