Via Naturalis | Haul

Nov 17, 2015

Here is a very quick Via Naturalis Haul.
I will post a long and in depth review of all of the things in about two to three weeks when I will have really tested the products out.
Also the pictures are terrible but I had not time to take them in natural light.

I was meaning to write and post this on Monday, but I have been having trouble with finding the time. On Friday I ordered a few things of a local site called Via Naturalis. And they arrived on Saturday morning. I was never more satisfied with an online purchase.

I already spoke about my reason for buying these things and I have not really have had the time to test them out.

I bought two skin care items, a cleansing balm called Frankincense Deep Cleansing Balm, and a oil serum called Little Miracle Rosehip Serum. Both of the products are from the Balm Balm.
As you can see I also got three samples which is great.

The Frankincense Deep Cleansing Balm

 The Oil serum Little Miracle Rosehip Serum

The Samples I got 

I also got some hair products. I got a Volume Boost Conditioner by Organic Surge and a Unique Beauty Volumizing Mousse. They also sent me a Unique Beauty Colour Care Treatment.

As you can see in the picture this is my most used product out of the ones I bought. It is a lip balm by the Balm Balm and it is amazing. I suffer from really chapped lips and this did an amazing job at helping my lips heal.

They also sent me a body shower gel that smells amazingly. It is by Unique Beauty Body and it is called Cornflower Body Wash.

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